Help the Children of Africa - A charitable foundation



"Africans must summon the effort to conquer poverty and with this, Africa will be productive.  All the possibilities and potential are there in natural resources that could prevent persistent poverty.  African leaders must understand that outside of social, economic, cultural, political, and climate-induced causes, it is poverty that has the most to do with malnutrition and misery in thousands of people.  Poverty is the direct cause of malnutrition, which brings other consequences with it.  Someone who is starving cannot work."

"Africans must understand that they bear the heavy responsibility of raising the incomes of individuals and families to an acceptable level so that they can take care of basic needs.  This means supplying affordable housing through the creation of a housing policy, jobs, education, and food.  Malnutrition is dramatic in Africa and its vast reach must call African leaders to action.  Together they must confront the disease that kills many African infants who lack protein and calories."  [Copyright 2005-2007, pg. 76 by Victorine Ngangu.]